Flutter Crash Course

In this series we will learn flutter from scratch. At the end of this course you will able to craft your own flutter apps for both android and IOS. You can learn flutter basics using both Youtube videos and blogs posts.

Learn flutter from scratch in 4 hours - Flutter Crash Course - Coding with T


Basic Crash Course

How to create a Checkbox in flutter Example 2022

How to create a Checkbox in flutter Example 2022

In this tutorial, we are going to learn two ways to create and design a checkbox in a flutter. We will also learn how to create a custom checkbox in a flutter with an example. We will first design the checkbox widget in a flutter as a checkbox() and then we will...

How to create Text Form Field or Text Field in flutter

How to create Text Form Field or Text Field in flutter

In this tutorial, we are going to learn the two ways to create, and design text fields in a flutter and also two ways to get data from a flutter textfield or a flutter textformfield. The design will be created using flutter textfield() and flutter textformfield()...

How to Create and Design Buttons in Flutter

How to Create and Design Buttons in Flutter

In this tutorial, we are going to create buttons in Flutter 2022. We will create three different types of buttons in a flutter, Elevated buttons, Outline buttons, and Text Buttons. We will also learn how to design a custom button using all the properties of flutter...

How to create & design Container in Flutter – 2022

How to create & design Container in Flutter – 2022

In this flutter tutorial, we are going to learn how to create a Container in a flutter. We will learn how to design a container in flutter 2022. In this flutter tutorial, we will cover all the properties of the Container include Background Color, Padding, Margin,...

How to add Material and Font-Awesome Icons

How to add Material and Font-Awesome Icons

In this flutter tutorial, we are going to learn how to add material and font-awesome icons in flutter. How to make icons clickable using IconButton in our flutter project 2022. We will learn the 3 basics of flutter in this tutorial. How to use Material Icons in the...

How to add Images in Flutter – Asset and Network

How to add Images in Flutter – Asset and Network

In this Flutter tutorial, we are going to learn how to add images in flutter 2022. There are 2 main ways to add an image in a flutter, 1st is to add Asset Image in the flutter and 2nd is to add Network Image in the flutter. So, in this tutorial, we will learn both...

Exploring stateless widgets in Flutter – Coding with T

Exploring stateless widgets in Flutter – Coding with T

In this Flutter Crash course 2022, we are about to start our Flutter Crash Course for beginners and we will be exploring statless widgets in Flutter. In this Section 2, we will learn all the Basic and Core Stateless Widgets of Flutter which are a must to create any...

Stack and Positioned Widget in Flutter 2022

Stack and Positioned Widget in Flutter 2022

In this flutter tutorial, we are going to create layout widget in flutter. Stack and positioned widget will be used in this tutorial, whereas stack is used to layout widgets on top of one another and positioned widget is used to position the widgets (childerns of...

How to create a Floating Action Button in Flutter

How to create a Floating Action Button in Flutter

In this flutter tutorial, we are going to create a floating action button in flutter. We will create FAB using widget provided by flutter material design FloatingActionButton(). Floating Action button is useful when it comes to perform some key actions like add...

How to add Logic in Flutter Code – Flutter 2022

How to add Logic in Flutter Code – Flutter 2022

In this flutter tutorial, we are going to add logic to our flutter code. We will simply do that by adding a simple function and will get Random Values printed directly in our Text Widget. This is the last video of our Section # 1 of the flutter basic crash course for...

How to Organize Flutter Code – Flutter Crash Code 2022

How to Organize Flutter Code – Flutter Crash Code 2022

In this tutorial, we are going to convert our code we created in our previous tutorials into a more organized format. We will learn how to divide our code into classes (stateless / Stateful). We will first clean our main() function and learn how to use fat Arrows in a...

Create First Flutter App Part II (Widgets) – Flutter 2022

Create First Flutter App Part II (Widgets) – Flutter 2022

In this flutter tutorial, we are going to create our first flutter app in android studio part II. In our previous tutorial Part I we learned, how to create a new flutter project on the previously installed Android studio and go through the basics of Flutter main() and...

How to Create First Flutter App – Flutter 2022

How to Create First Flutter App – Flutter 2022

In this flutter tutorial, we are going to create our first flutter app in android studio. We will first learn how to create a new flutter project on the previously installed Android studio. Watch Youtube tutorial   What is flutter? As stated in the flutter.dev,...

Flutter Crash Course – Free Flutter tutorials for beginners

Flutter Crash Course – Free Flutter tutorials for beginners

We are going to launch a brand new course of Flutter app development - Flutter Crash course for absolute beginners. In this course we will start from 0 and will cover all the basics that need to create professional app. This course is divided into 3 main parts Basics...

How to fix Issues in Flutter Doctor – Flutter Crash Course 2022

How to fix Issues in Flutter Doctor – Flutter Crash Course 2022

What is Flutter Doctor and how to run it? Flutter doctor is a command line tool. We can use flutter doctor to check weather our flutter and dart configurations are upto mark or there is some issue in them. To run a flutter doctor we can simply open our command prompt...

How to install Flutter on Android Studio 2022 for beginners

How to install Flutter on Android Studio 2022 for beginners

Flutter Series Overview - BriefErrors in Flutter InstallationThis is the second tutorial of Flutter Crash Course. In this tutorial we will learn how to install flutter in Android Studio. In our first tutorial we cover the overview of our series and you can check it...

Download and Install Android Studio

Download and Install Android Studio

In this tutorial, we will learn how to download an android studio? how to install android studio? and how to set up it for the development of android applications. Above all, we have to know what is an android studio and what is it's purpose.What is Android Studio?...

Flutter Crash Course

Details of Flutter Basic Series

I have started creating a complete Basic Flutter Crash Course tutorials, that will help those who are beginners in developing android/IOS applications.

If you are new in creating/developing flutter apps and don’t know where you have to start and where to go, then you are in the right place.

Thus, at first, let me tell you about this course, what will it do, why you have to follow these tutorials and How these tutorials will help you.


Learn Flutter from Scratch using Android Studio 2022. A step-by-step flutter guide.

In this flutter playlist, we will learn, the basics of Flutter app development 2022. We will start from basics and then we will move to professional level development and at the end, you will be able to create complete flutter apps.

Our Flutter Crash Course 2022 is divided into three sections. We will start our flutter Crash Course 2022 by Installing flutter on Android Studio.

  1. In our first Flutter Section, we will go through the basics of Flutter/dart and will create a basic app.
    1. Overview
    2. Installation / Setup on Android Studio
    3. Create First Flutter App
    4. UI Basic Widgets
    5. Organize the code
    6. Add Logic to application
  2. In our 2nd flutter section, we will cover all the basic and core Widgets of flutter that help us in creating an app using flutter. In our third section we will focus on backend of Flutter app development.
  3. In our section 3, we will cover stateful widgets and Stateful widgets are the widgets that change their state at run time or when user interacts with the application. Below is the list of stateful widgets that we cover in this series.

Finally, we have to put functionality in all the modules.

So, let’s get started.

Flutter Basic Overview

This is the first phase in flutter app development in which we will start from flutter installation. Then we will create our first flutter application. List is defined as below:-

  1. Overview
  2. Installation / Setup on Android Studio
  3. Create First Flutter App
  4. UI Basic Widgets
  5. Organize the code
  6. Add Logic to application

Flutter Stateless Widgets

Stateless widgets are the widgets that never change their state once the app is up and running. They include the layouts, texts etc. Below is the list of stateless widgets that we cover in this series.

  1. What is a widget and types – Overview
  2. Image
  3. Icon
  4. Container
  5. Elevated Button
  6. AppBar with Action Buttons
  7. Row & Column / Expanded
  8. ListView Static
  9. ListView Dynamic
  10. Navigation Drawer
  11. Floating Action Button
  12. Stack
  13. CUSTOM WIDGET (Bonus Video)

Flutter Stateful Widgets

Stateful widgets are the widgets that change their state at run time or when user interacts with the application. Below is the list of stateful widgets that we cover in this series section III.

  1. What is Stateful VS Stateless Widgets?
  2. Move from one Screen to another
  3. Text-Fields
  4. Radio buttons
  5. Checkbox
  6. Form
  7. Small App to Include both types
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