Complete Android App

A Complete Bull’s Rent android project that I have created in my Youtube tutorials.

Android Studio Complete Project Bulls rent- Splash Screen- Login Screen with validation- Signup Screen- User profile- Phone number verification OTP- Google verification - Android Studio Complete Project Bulls rent- Splash Screen- Login Screen with validation- Signup Screen- User profile- Phone number verification OTP- Google verification

Source code for Bull’s Rent App

You can get all the code I have created in my youtube tutorials of Bull’s rent android app.

This Application has 6 types of screens & once you download it. You can easily use that design in any app you want to create.

So, to download the complete project click here.

Splash Screen

First Activity of android application that appears with Animations.

It uses two types of animation.

Top animation for image and bottom animation for text.

Signup/Registeration Screen

After the Splash Screen, Signup Screen will come in which users have to add personal information for registration of our app. Users can use this information to login.

Material design and Shared animation are used to make the design of the signup screen with validation.

Lastly, Firebase is used to save/store the data in the database.

Signup/Registeration Screen

After the Splash Screen, Signup Screen will come in which users have to add personal information for registration of our app.

Users can use this information to login.

Material design and Shared animation are used to make the design of the signup screen with validation.

Lastly, Firebase is used to save/store the data in the database.

Login Screen

After the Signup Screen, Login Screen will come from where the user can log in from the given detail in the registration form.

Material design and Shared animation are used to make the design of the Login screen with validation.

Lastly, Firebase is used to retrieve and check the data of the database.

Profile Screen

Profile Screen is used to update or check the personal information of the user.

It also has the cards for detail of important information of the user.

Material design and Shared animation are used to make the design of the signup screen with validation of the profile form.

Lastly, Firebase is used to retrieve the data from the database.

Profile Screen

Profile Screen is used to update or check the personal information of the user.

It also has the cards for detail of important information of the user.

Material design and Shared animation are used to make the design of the signup screen with validation of the profile form.

Lastly, Firebase is used to retrieve the data from the database.

Phone Authentication Screen

After Login, User will get the code on the phone number added in the Registration form.

The app will automatically check the code and verify it.

Firebase authentication is used to check the code and verify it.

Google Authentication

The screen that allowed the user to log in the application using his/her google account.

Google Authentication

The screen that allowed the user to log in the application using his/her google account.

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This is default text for notification bar